Friday, April 1, 2011

Swimming Lessons

We decided it was time to put Allison in swimming lessons. She absolutely loved it. It helped that she had three little friends doing the class with her. The first couple of lessons she had a really hard time getting her face wet - I don't think she liked the water in her eyes. We worked on it a little bit when she took a bath one night, and after a couple of lessons she caught on! You could tell she still didn't like it, but she did it anyway. My favorite part about watching her swim was the way she pointed her toes so delicately when she was kicking - that girl is a dancer at heart, I swear.

She did pretty well and passed the first level. We were going to start her in level 2, but decided we needed a little break from twice-a-week lessons. The last time they met, the kids got to dive off the diving board. Allison, of course, was a bit timid at first, but then wanted to jump over and over again.

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