Monday, October 27, 2008

Random Cuteness!

There's just so many cute pictures of Allison, I have to post some of them.

Allison loves "her" chair at the bar. She's always up there eating something.

Allison loves to drive her mother crazy. This time she decided to get into the drawer of bibs and put them ALL on. And, of course, she naked - her favorite!

This was so funny. All of a sudden I look down the hall and Allison has Chris' shorts up around her shoulders. It was hilarious! Thank goodness she kept them on long enough for me to snap a picture.

Trying on Melissa's boots...naked again.

Playing in the neighbor's (Heather & Daniel's) sprinkler.

(Chanel, do you recognize those shoes? You left them here last time you visited and Allison has become attached to them. They are HUGE on her, but she doesn't seem to mind)

So cool with her Uncle Jeremy.

Apparently she's getting to go out with her sunglasses and purse (not sure who got her dressed - YIKES!)

So pretty in her long hair...

She got this little outfit from her Papa Nadeau & Brenda. She looked adorable in it.
She got this guitar from Kevin & Chanel - she loves it - especially since it's her favorite color, pink!
This one's for you, Heather - I guess this teaches you not to take pictures on MY camera! Ha!


Brian said...

HaHa-LOVE the pics!! It's about time you updated your blog.

Daniel and Heather said...

yikes,, i guess if i take self portrates with your camera i should smile!